Though it may be difficult to think about legal action when you are grieving, you need to carefully evaluate your options before making any decisions. Insurance companies will oftentimes try to settle your case quickly and pay as little as possible. You need to understand your legal rights before accepting any type of settlement. At Friedman Rodman Frank & Estrada, our team of wrongful death attorneys has decades of experience handling fatal car accidents and knows what it takes to secure maximum damages awards on behalf of our clients and their families.
Proving a Miami Wrongful Death ClaimTo bring a car accident wrongful death claim successfully to court, you must prove that the accident was caused by a negligent driver or, in some cases, a defective vehicle or part. That’s why it’s important to investigate wrongful death cases as quickly as possible before evidence is lost, witnesses forget details, or any court deadlines or time limits have been missed. Contacting an attorney in a timely manner is the most important thing you can do to help ultimately resolve your case and get the compensation you need for your loss.
To obtain the maximum settlement, it would be very helpful for you document your case extensively. This could involve obtaining large amounts of information, which may include:
All of this documentation may need to be presented to the insurance company or other company as part of the negotiation process and possibly filed with the court for your legal claim if the insurance company will not agree to a fair settlement. Our personal injury attorneys have the experience and resources to collect the appropriate information and relevant items and present them on your behalf.
Remember, too, that car accident injuries can cause death long after the initial accident occurs. Even years after an accident, damage from things like traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries can lead to death. Again, it’s important to document the accident and the injuries as soon as possible to improve your chances of prevailing in a wrongful death claim. Contact a qualified car accident attorney as quickly as possible.
Identifying All Potentially Liable PartiesBeyond the facts of your case, an experienced Miami car accident attorney can help you determine the existence of insurance or assets to satisfy your legal claim and pay damages. For underinsured or uninsured drivers, your attorney can seek other potential sources of recovery, including assets such as business insurance, homeowner’s policies, or a trucking company’s insurance.
Speak With a Miami Injury Lawyer With Specific Experience Handling Fatal Car AccidentsFriedman Rodman Frank & Estrada have the resources and knowledge to uncover assets to compensate you for your significant losses, and we understand the complex legal issues as well as the personal loss you’ve endured. From our South Florida law offices, we’ll help you fight for your legal rights and handle all the details of your case. Contact us toll-free at 305-448-8585 or by completing our online form for a free, confidential consultation in English, Spanish, or Creole. We’ll start working to help you recover from your unfortunate loss.